Protect your brand Protect your customers

It’s difficult for consumers to know who to trust in the digital space. Cybercrime is sophisticated and widespread – undermining consumer confidence about interacting with brands online. Your dot brand will assure consumers they’re in a trusted online space, protected from fraudsters attempting to mimic brand URLs and communications.





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Dot brands help build a trusted space online

A signpost of authenticity

Consumers appreciate easy-to-spot signposts of authentic sites. With a dot brand, consumers can trust that anything they see ending in your dot brand is genuine: “If it doesn’t say our name to the right of the dot, it isn’t us”






Certify genuine products and services

From couture fashion houses to major sporting leagues and teams, it’s a sad fact that desirable brands are open game for counterfeit fraudsters. Protect customers by associating genuine branded goods with unique web addresses they can trust.

Create web addresses that can't be imitated

It’s easy for a fraudster to register a typo of your name in other existing TLDs. But they cannot imitate you dot brand as you have complete and total control of every domain using your dot brand.

Satisfy consumers’ need for reassurance

A seal of credibility in uncertain times, your dot brand is a perfect fit for the way consumers interact with brands today. It proves your commitment to security, transparency, and trust – giving them the confidence to relax and fully engage.

A platform for implementing uniform security standards

There are various security protocols that are easier to implement at the TLD level so that they apply across the entire estate of your dot brand, such as DNSSEC and HSTS pre-load, increasing the safety of your customers and your business.

Stake your claim

Stake your claim. Own your brand. And stay one step ahead of your competitors.

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New Live.Domains

  • Reset filters

Microsite to allow Globo's customers to create campaigns for mobile marketing

A innovative use of a dotBrand domain name by Johnson and Johnson for healthcare professionals to check the authenticity and validity of COVID-19 vaccines

website for

A secure portal for attendees of an Audi sales conference.

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Whether you need to find out more specific details, or put together a case pack, we have a library of helpful resources. If you need a bit more help, get in touch.

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Take the first step to owning your brand.